See upcoming events organized by CPCOA for its members.
2024 Events
June 1st: Cabin Self Inspection report due July 1st
June 1st: General Membership meeting is coming up fast. Saturday, June 1st beginning at 11:30am. This will be held at the Nile Valley Community Church, 60 Bedrock Ln. For the potluck lunch, we are asking those with a last name: from A-N bring a hot/cold meal OR salad; and from O-Z bring a dessert. If you have a topic/speaker you would like to hear about, cabin owner related, please email Steve at
We have a representative from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that will be discussing the Firewise USA program, and potentially a speaker from the Naches Ranger District. We will also be providing an update on the Cabin Fee Retention Act and our joint Rimrock Cabin Owners Assoc. (RCOA) and CPCOA study group that will be meeting with Acting District Ranger Jason Emhoff on May 23rd.
July 27th Field Trip – Rocks and Fossils led by Carl Buchholz on Saturday July 27th at 1:00. We will meet at Kaner Flats campground. Bring the entire family-especially the kids. Get more details.
October 5th: Annual membership meeting and election of new Officers and Directors, 11:30am at Nile Valley Community Church.
Past Events
2023 Events
June 1: Cabin Self Inspection report due July 1st
June 3: Board meeting. Location Gold Creek Station at 11:00am. All members invited.
June 17: General membership meeting. Location Nile church from 11:30am to 1pm and is a potluck lunch.
August 12: Board meeting. Location TBD. All members invited.
September 23: Annual Potluck Membership Meeting at the Nile Community Church, starting at 11:30am and over at 1pm. For food, A-M hot meals and salads, and N-Z desserts.
We will have a short presentation from our Treasurer, a presentation from Jim & Ginny Lundeen on Geocaching, a presentation from our local award-winning author Rob Phillips of the “Luke McCain mystery series”, and an overview of the local fire season and Q and A time with Fire Management Officer (FMO) Jason Emhoff.
2022 Events
September 17th: Fall Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members
Nile Community Church, Potluck at 11:30
2021 Events
June 19: Spring/Summer Membership meeting
September 18: Fall Membership Meeting
Meeting Location: Nile Valley Community Church
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 pm
Potluck: Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert to share. Drinks and table setting will be provided.
Board Meetings
February 20: Spring Board Meeting
May 22: Late Spring Board Meeting
September 5: Fall Board Meeting
October 15-16: NFH Annual Conference
The Village at Squaw Valley, Tahoe City, CA
2019 Events
June 22: Spring/Summer Membership meeting
September 21: Fall Membership Meeting
Board Meetings:
June 1st, 2019
September 7th, 2019
2018 Events
June 23: Spring / Summer Meeting
Invited Speakers:
NFH President: Doug Gann, (NFH updates—cabin insurance, E-11)
Dept. of Ecology: Kelsey Collins/Tyson Carlson (water rights for recreational cabins)
Ranger Kelly Lawrence
New Permit Administrator, if appointed by then.
There will be additional cabin related materials! Invite your cabin friends to join you, member or not.
The board has nearly finished its work on the Associations Articles of Incorporation and By Laws. In the near future copies will be posted on our website for you to read.
July 7: Boulder Cave Guided Field Trip
Leader: Kelsey from the Forest Service
Kelsey will guide us on an approximately 45 minute tour of Boulder Cave. She will go over the geology, history, and current issues like bats and their white nose disease. After the tour for those who want, we will have a group lunch at the picnic tables. Bring a bag lunch.
Bring: walking or hiking shoes, a flash light, and federal parking permit of some kind. I will use my Golden Age pass. You can purchase one day parking permits there for $5.
How to get to Boulder Cave: take Forest Service Road 1704, which is on the west side of the Naches River just north of Cliffdell. On Highway 410 just north of Cliffdell turn west (there is a sign for Boulder Cave) which crosses the Naches River and then almost immediately turn right (north) on to Forest Service Road 1704. Go 1.2 miles and you are there.
2017 Events
June 24: Spring/Summer Membership Meeting
Guest Speaker: Torry Smith, FS Law Enforcement Officer & “Dog”, his companion.
June 25: CPCOA Forest Service Clean-up Project: The CPCOA has volunteered to help the Forest Service by cleaning up the Mather Memorial Rest Area. We will gather at the rest area across SR410 from Sawmill Flats Campground to pick up trash and sweep up pine needles and branches.
Please bring brooms, clippers, shovels, and rakes. Portable generators are nice, especially with blowers and weed trimmers. After the work is completed, members enjoy sharing lunch together at the rest area, so bring something to eat and drink as well.
September 23: 2017 Fall/Winter Membership Meeting
Guest Speaker: Vice-President Doug Gann, NFH’s Association
(NFH updates—cabin insurance, family cabin trusts, 2024 cabin fee retention & etc.)
Ralph Berthon, incoming president, has researched information for incorporating our association. Incorporating information is posted on our website for you to read. A vote will be taken at our fall meeting.