Membership in the organization is available to all cabin owners on Chinook Pass on a voluntary basis.
Web Resources
The area from the Nile Valley up to Chinook and Naches Passes possesses a rich cultural history that has been documented in a variety of ways.
- Chinook Pass Cabin Tract
- Weather Forecast – Sawmill Flats
- Weather Forecast – Goose Prairie
- WSDot Pass Report – Chinook Pass
- CPCOA Facebook page
- Chinook Scenic Byway
- National Forest Homeowners
- Geological Hazards for Chinook and White Pass Areas (pdf) – This is a map that CPCOA requested from Yakima County GIS to show it’s members all the areas where land slide hazards exist in the Chinook Pass area.
- 1999 Wenatchee National Forest Summer Home Lots Appraisal Report – This is a scanned copy of the 1999 appraisal report (and cover letter) for Union Creek Summer Homes which has been shared so that members can easily see what the rational was behind the value that has been assigned to their lots. What is presented here is the first 60 pages of the report, which is the same for every tract in the Chinook Pass area. What is missing is the last few pages which provide detailed information and pictures of each specific tract.
Cabin owners can request a report for their own tract by contacting the Naches Ranger Station.
Note: This copy of the report was recreated by scanning in a paper copy and processing it through an Optical Character Reader program before creating the PDF file. All content is included, but some formatting differences still exist from the original document. - Summer Homes in The National Forest of Oregon and Washington by Fred W. Cleator
This is a pamphlet put out by the Forest Service in 1932 describing summer homes regulations. It is very much along the line of the current “Recreation Residence Operations and Maintenance Plan” put out by the Naches Ranger District. Contains a sample “Special Use Permit”.
Publisher: USDA Forest Service (1932) - Cultural Resources and Your Summer Home – An Informational Guide to Summer Home Ownership on Forest Service Land. This document is intended as an informational guide for summer home owners to better understand historic preservation laws, regulations and processes that must be followed and complied with.
- Looking for some old Washington State maps? The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas at Austin has some great early maps of Washington State including a 1904 Mt Aix map which shows what the area around many of CPCOA’s cabins looked like before Bumping dam was built.
Books that are out of print can often be found on Amazon or at some used book stores in the area.
- “Nothing in Life is Free: Through Naches Pass to Puget Sound” by Della Gould Emmons
This is an historical novel about the first wagon train that went over the Naches Pass, which was selected as the official book commemorating the Washington territorial centennial. Purchase on Amazon - “We Never Got Away” by Jack Nelson
In this book, Jack Nelson has recorded anecdotes, biographies, observations, stories and general information of the many years he and his wife Kitty spent working for the Bureau of Reclamation at Bumping Lake.
Publisher: Franklin Press (January 1, 1965) Out of Print
ASIN: B001WB88M8 - “Beyond the Bend: A History of the Nile Valley” by Gretta Petersen Gossett
Over many years, the {Nile Women’s Club}.of the Nile Valley gathered many oral histories from the area about the original pioneers of the valley and published them in this book. Though out of print for many years, the Naches Ranger Station often carries copies for sale.
Publisher: Ye Galleon Press (1979) AASIN: B00IXIDY4 Purchase on Amazon. - “Of Men and Mountains. A book of Adventure Physical and Spiritual in the Mountains of the Pacific Northwest” by William O. Douglas
Memoirs of former Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, his love and passion for the spirit of adventure in the wild mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Publisher: The Lyons Press; (Sept 1, 2001) ISBN-10: 1585743968 Purchase on Amazon - “Roadside Geology of Mount Rainier National Park and Vicinity” by Patrick T. Pringle
This is excellent book on the geology covering our cabin area with details alone highways 12 and 410 from Yakima to Chinook Pass. A basic geological background would be helpful because geological terms are use extensively. There are 190 pages with many color pictures. Download the PDF
Publisher: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information, Circular 107, June 2008
Useful Links
- Naches Ranger District Summer Home Information – This is the website the Naches Ranger District uses to distribute information and forms for cabin owners. Here’s some other information from the folks at the Naches Ranger Station about cabins:
- The annual Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report is to be filled out and sent into the Naches Ranger Office by July each year.
- Cultural Resources and Your Summer Home: An Informational Guide to Summer Home Ownership on Forest Service LandThis document is intended as an informational guide for summer home owners to better understand historic preservation laws, regulations and processes that must be followed and complied with.
- Recreation Residence Lot Fee Handbook – This is the official guide that Forest Service personnel use for issues surrounding the assessments that determine our annual permit fee.
- National Forest Homeowners Association – Membership in National Forest Homeowners Association (NFH) is included within the CPCOA membership fees, so if you are a member of CPCOA you are also a member with NFH! NFH is a national and regional advocate for cabin owners with more than 5,000 members in all 24 states where Special Use Recreation Residences exist on National Forest lands. NFH’s professional staff and volunteer board of directors keep cabin owners informed on the issues they face and facilitate access to Forest Service Staff. NFH is dedicated to protecting and preserving the cabin program well into the future.
- North Yakima Conservation District
Mike Tobin, District Manager
509-454-5743 Ext. 8555 - WA Dept of Transportation: Chinook Pass and Cayuse Pass
WADOT maintains a great web site filled with information about Washington roads. This particular page highlights activities around the Chinook Pass area. - WA Dept of Ecology Water & Shorelines
Water rights continues to be an issue for many cabin owners, and the Washington DOE has a program which is trying to secure water rights for camps and cabins in the Yakima River Basin. - Firewise Communities
This site provides information on what you can do to reduce the chance of your cabin burning down in case of wildfires. - Washington Department of Natural Resources Fire Information
DNR maintains an up to date list of resources and news items on what is being done to manage the risk of fires in the area. On this site you’ll find the Highways 410 and 12 Community Wildfire Protection Plan - Yakima County Maps
- Yakima County Assessor