Membership in the organization is available to all cabin owners on Chinook Pass on a voluntary basis.

CPCOA Membership Information
As an owner of a cabin, you are encouraged to join the Chinook Pass Cabin Owners’ Association (CPCOA). It’s a great way to stay informed on a variety of issues that could impact the enjoyment you derive from owning your cabin. Whether it is changes in rules by the Forest Service or other government agencies, we are here to help keep you informed.
By joining the CPCOA you automatically become a member of the Washington State Forest Homeowners’ Association (WSFHA) and the National Forest Homeowners (NFH), which all network together to carry our voice to the halls of Congress and to keep us informed on issues at the state and national levels. It really is a great way to keep in touch on the issues that we all share.
As an example, the unfair process regarding cabin fees that was created by the CUFFA law passed in 2000 was repealed in 2014 with a new Cabin Fee Act. The CFA eliminated periodic appraisals and extreme annual fees as well as provides a stable income stream for the Forest Service to support the Recreational Residence Program nationwide. This ensures that our cabins will remain for many generations to come!
The Chinook Pass Cabin Owners’ Association works on the local level — local issues and concerns are addressed by the forest ranger, the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Yakima County Sheriff’s department, and other county officials. Through our newsletter and our two meetings each year we have an opportunity to know each other, share our love and concerns for our cabins with each other and stay informed.
Membership dues are $75.00 for a Regular membership and $48.00 for an Associate member, which is for another person besides a “Regular” member — adult children, co- owners, etc. This is an increase over the past several years. WE raised our dues a few dollars as did NFH. As a member of CPCOA you are receiving group representation on the local, state, and national levels all working for your best interests in protecting your cabin ownership. In case you’re wondering where the money goes, $50.00 goes to the NFH, and $2.00 goes to WSFHA. The rest stays with CPCOA for postage, supplies, and other expenses such as rental fees for our meeting room.
To join, or renew your membership in CPCOA, click on the membership form link below, print the form, and send the completed form along with your check to:
Jim Lundeen, CPCOA Treasurer
5100 Manor Dr.
Yakima, WA 98901-1635
Phone: (509) 575-8315